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We are pleased to share a call for chapter abstracts for the book Perspectives in Ocean, Marine, and Coastal Governance, edited by Prof. Godwell Nhamo. If you are interested in...
Committed to make the key topics of the project available to all audiences, including younger ones, the scientists in partner organisations of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Europe wrote five dissemination...
UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC), Portugal and EurOcean Foundation are inviting Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) to apply to the 2nd edition of the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture Series. Application deadline extended until...
In this 21st edition of the AZTI Summer School, the proposed topic is ‘Artificial intelligence and citizen science in monitoring and assesing biodiversity and invasive species at sea’. This year, the...
MISSION ATLANTIC: Mobility Call 2023

MISSION ATLANTIC: Mobility Call 2023

Are you a student, researcher, technician or marine environment & resource professional, working on any aspect of Marine IEA Integrated Ecosystem Assessment, from basic research to actual implementation, in any country around the Atlantic Basin?

MISSION ATLANTIC ( invites applications from any country applying natural and social science research to Atlantic IEA. Under our second Mobility Call 2023, you can join one of our partners for up to 6 weeks and cooperate on research, stakeholder engagement, or policy
recommendations that directly concern IEA implementation.

ELIGIBILITY: any individual student, researcher, technician or marine environment & resources professional with capacity to contribute to IEA research & implementation in the MISSION ATLANTIC Regional Case Studies ( You can see the Partner Institutes and the individual scientists here , as well as any other specific Task of the project WorkPlan (see Open Proposal here

SELECTION PROCESS: The Executive Board of the project will select applicants in April 2023 based on research/learning objectives & personal motivation complimentarity to MISSION ATLANTIC objectives and deliverables, as well as supporting capacity building and knowledge transfer across the Atlantic
Basin on the topic of Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) implementation. The Executive Board will also seek a fair representation of non-EU & EU candidates, seeking candidates from North America as well as the Global South, based on quality of applications.

HOSTING: applicants from non-partner institutions will need to be hosted by Project Partners in EU, Brazil, South Africa during the project lifetime 2022-2025. Applicants from project partner institutions are eligible to apply to be hosted at non-partner institutions, with preference on non-partners institutions with strong IEA record. All nominees need to establish contact with the host to co-define & outline contribution to specific Case Studies or Tasks for the 6 week mobility period, and agree on hosting conditions.

FUNDING: MISSION ATLANTIC offers economy flights, local accommodation & living costs, EU Visa expenses (max 4.000 EUR) for the 6 weeks mobility period.

NB: salary costs are not eligible! Executive Board retains all rights to balance the portfolio of funded applicants across career stage, and geographically, based on quality of contributions to IEA research as prioritised by MISSION ATLANTIC project description.

DEADLINE for applications: 31 March 2023, 12pm Central European Time (

