
The All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA) is an ocean science diplomacy initiative uniting countries from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean in contributing to the science needed to support ocean policy, governance and management on domestic, regional and international scales in the Atlantic region.  

AAORIA fosters a large and inclusive All-Atlantic community, advancing science cooperation in line with international law. The ultimate shared goal is to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of the Atlantic Ocean. AAORIA and its goals are underpinned by the All-Atlantic Declaration signed in 2022 in Washington DC by Argentina, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Canada, Morocco, South Africa, the United States of America and the European Union, with ever growing interest and support from further countries and partners. Since 2022, Norway, the United Kingdom, Iceland and Senegal have also joined the Alliance.  

The Declaration builds upon and ties together the success of two previous cooperation agreements – the 2013 Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation and the 2017 Belém Statement on Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Cooperation, as well as on several other international bilateral and multilateral agreements.  

blue and red fish


The Atlantic Ocean is an invaluable and extensive resource that supports numerous countries, cultures, and livelihoods. Effective cooperation is essential for its sustainable management and health. Recognizing this imperative, AAORIA fosters a shared vision to enhance scientific collaboration, advancing outcome-oriented Atlantic Ocean science and innovation, in particular for the benefit of citizens living on the Atlantic Ocean shores. 


The All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA) has been implemented through many ongoing bottom-up initiatives and projects, bringing together more than 1000 research teams along and across the Atlantic Ocean.

The EU has funded three Coordination and Support actions (CSA) to support the implementation of this ongoing work across and along the Atlantic Ocean.

Major Steps in Building the
All Atlantic Research Community

European Union Maritime Strategy for the Atlantic Ocean Area | 2011
European Union Action Plan for a Maritime Strategy in the Atlantic Area | 2013
Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation | 2013
Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AORA) EU funded CSA | 2015
Supporting the implementation of the Galway Statement, the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance aims to advance a shared vision of an Atlantic Ocean that is healthy, resilient, safe, productive, understood and treasured.
AORA logo
Belém Statement on Atlantic Research and Innovation Cooperation | 2017
Furthering the integrated approach to research and development across the whole Atlantic Ocean and its bordering countries, the European Union, South Africa and Brazil co-signed the Belém Statement - On Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Cooperation for the South and Tropical Atlantic and Southern Ocean.
All AtlaNtic Cooperation for Ocean Research and innovation (AANCHOR) EU funded CSA | 2018
As the main instrument supporting the implementation of the Belém Statement, the All Atlantic Ocean Initiative aimed to bring together all relevant actors around the Atlantic as to build the All Atlantic Ocean Research Community, and to identify concrete collaborative research and innovation activities across a range of key areas.
European Commission - Argentina Administrative Arrangement on Marine Research and Innovation Cooperation | 2018
Complementing the EU and Argentina’s wide-ranging and successful cooperation on science and technology matters, the Administrative Arrangement focuses on marine research and innovation to tackle the Atlantic Ocean challenges.
Mindelo Arrangement on Marine Research and Innovation Cooperation | 2018
The Marine Research and Innovation Cooperation Arrangement, co-signed by the European Commission and the Republic of Cabo Verde, intends to strengthen and enhance research and innovation cooperation in Blue Growth.
European Commission - Morocco Administrative Arrangement on Marine Research & Innovation Cooperation | 2020
The Administrative Arrangement on Marine Research & Innovation Cooperation signed by the EU and the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education, and Scientific Research of the Kingdom of Morocco, aims to foster cooperation on marine science, technology, and innovation in the Atlantic Area.
All-Atlantic Ocean Research & Innovation Alliance Declaration | 2022
The declaration was signed during the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum 2022 Ministerial Event, held in Washington, D.C. The Declaration aims to reinvigorate collaboration between existing initiatives and better align the Galway Working Groups, All-Atlantic Joint Pilot Actions, and associated projects, and bring other potential partners and initiatives into the All-Atlantic community.
United Kingdom and Norway | 2023
United Kingdom and Norway joined the All-Atlantic Ocean Research & Innovation Alliance Declaration at the AAORIA Forum in Cape Town, South Africa
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OKEANO EU funded CSA | 2024
Funded under Horizon Europe by the European Commission, the OKEANO CSA is coordinated by the Marine Institute (MI, Ireland) and its primary role is to support the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance. The main objective of the OKEANO CSA is to provide coordination and support to the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance, ensuring effective governance, cooperation, and communication amongst signatories. The OKEANO CSA aims to facilitate dialogue and collaboration at local, national, and international levels, to consolidate existing initiatives emphasising the importance of climate regulation, biodiversity preservation, and sustainable ocean economies.
Iceland and Senegal | 2024
Iceland and Senegal joined the All-Atlantic Ocean Research & Innovation Alliance Declaration at the AAORIA Forum in Ottawa, Canada
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Frequently Asked Questions

Need more information about the Alliance? Have a look at our FAQs

AAORIA Terms of Reference (TORs)

If you want to become an official Partner or Supporter of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance, or if you are interested in AAORIA’s working modalities, download this document in English or in French.