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FLAD Science Award second edition

FLAD Science Award second edition

FLAD maintains its commitment to research in the Atlantic and for 2021 extends the scientific scope of the award to Social Sciences and Humanities – Economy, Management, Sociology and Geography –, indispensable in view of the variety of research perspectives on the ocean and its resources. FLAD  also this year launches the second edition of the FLAD Science Award.  

Key research areas for the 2021 edition

The 2nd edition of the FLAD Science Award Atlantic includes the engineering/technology and environment/natural sciences areas of the previous edition, and adds the social sciences and humanities as areas of study, with the aim of creating and developing transversal tools and strategic solutions to the challenges of human activity in the Atlantic.

  • The future impact of climate change on coastal human populations in the Atlantic region with the design of adaptation and mitigation actions;
  • Assess the value of the Atlantic in natural assets and ecosystems, in particular in its contribution to the Blue Economy, using advanced economic analyses and big data;
  • Technologies to make oceans healthy and clean;
  • Sustainable mobility and logistics, in the context of growing digital transformation;
  • Environmental and energy transition strategies for islands and isolated areas;
  • New approaches in the planning, monitoring and management of the Atlantic area: low-cost satellite systems, advanced sensing systems, artificial intelligence or data science;
  • Production of new technologies such as underwater robotics, unmanned shipping, acoustic communications, sensors and data analysis.


The award has a maximum value of 300.000 euros for a maximum of 3 years, which corresponds to 100.000/year.

Find more info here 
