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We are pleased to share a call for chapter abstracts for the book Perspectives in Ocean, Marine, and Coastal Governance, edited by Prof. Godwell Nhamo. If you are interested in...
Committed to make the key topics of the project available to all audiences, including younger ones, the scientists in partner organisations of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Europe wrote five dissemination...
UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC), Portugal and EurOcean Foundation are inviting Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) to apply to the 2nd edition of the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture Series. Application deadline extended until...
In this 21st edition of the AZTI Summer School, the proposed topic is ‘Artificial intelligence and citizen science in monitoring and assesing biodiversity and invasive species at sea’. This year, the...
Bridging the Ocean

Bridging the Ocean

Launch of the third volume of the booklet series! 

Bridging the Ocean – launch of the third volume of the booklet series!

Bridging the Ocean is a collective of concepts and conversations focussed on the ocean in relation to bringing awareness to the challenges the ocean is facing. Through navigating some of these topics, we hope that this book will expand the ocean community in a way that further opens the dialogue around finding and implementing robust solutions that are geared towards not only restoring the ocean’s health but addressing the inequitable distribution of ocean resources. We want a healthy ocean FOR ALL! We want absolutely everyone to feel included in ocean conservation talks and to feel welcomed to share their unique knowledge and lived experiences with the ocean.

Bridging the Ocean is open source! It’s free! The only thing we ask of you, as our community, is that you share it with as many people as possible. It is in a printable format, so when you are called to print a few copies for those in our community who may not have the resources to read it online, please do; and deliver it to them! We are a community and so we must serve one another!

  • Find the English version HERE

Due to delays, Vol. 3 “Food Security” has been published before Vol. 2.
