Connect with the All-Atlantic Community through the All-Atlantic2021 Conference side events!
The networking event component of the All-Atlantic2021 Conference will be promoted by the conference Blue Corridor.
The Blue Corridor, which is a series of online side events (11:30 AM – 7:00 PM UTC on June 2nd and 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM UTC on June 3rd), will showcase the latest activities of different All-Atlantic Ocean Projects and Initiatives and promote further collaboration amongst complementary initiatives from along and across the Atlantic Ocean in the six thematic priority areas identified by the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance:
(1) Atlantic Ocean Health: climate variability and ecosystem approaches,
(2) Atlantic Ocean observation, forecasting, and monitoring,
(3) Food security, ocean resources, and biodiversity,
(4) Ocean Technology,
(5) Marine pollution, and
(6) Polar research.
Each side event will have a duration of around 1h30. The events will cover several transversal issues in research and innovation in the Atlantic area, including capacity building, ocean literacy, data management, and sharing, research infrastructure sharing and knowledge transfer. Several of them are kicking off the AANChOR Joint Pilot Actions activities!
For more information about the All-Atlantic2021 side events scheduling and their respective registration forms, please visit:
Check the remaining event programme here.
The All-Atlantic2021 Conference follows on the very successful All-Atlantic Ocean Research Fora (Brazil, 23 – 24 July 2018, Belgium, 6 – 7 February 2020, and South Africa, 3 – 4 December 2020).