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Date: Monday, 30 September 2024Time: 14:00 – 15:30 (CET) The webinar focused on “Integrated Approaches to Build Coastal Resilience” is aimed at addressing the critical climate challenges faced by coastal...
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First International AtlantOS Symposium

First International AtlantOS Symposium

Event date: Paris, France | 25 March 2019

During a four-day long symposium at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (France), the EU-Horizon 2020 funded Project on “Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System“ (AtlantOS), launched to deliver on the Galway Statement commitments, will celebrate the success of four years of work involving 62 partners from 18 countries and the investment of 20 million Euros. During the symposium a plan and ambition for the next decade of ocean observing in the Atlantic Ocean Basin to deliver on the needs of the Atlantic communities will be presented. The international meeting will be at- tended by scientists, policy makers, users, funders, the private sector and NGOs AtlantOS is coordinated by GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany.

The All Atlantic Ocean Initiate will be represented at the event by FCT; JPI Oceans and Ifremer

More information on the First international AtlantOS Symposium event available HERE.
