Join us virtually for a livestreamed event on Arctic cooperation between the European Union and the United States. Our invited experts will discuss the global importance of Arctic science and research, how science diplomacy supports the safety and stability of Arctic regions, and how the US and EU scientific communities can improve cooperation to build bridges of understanding in a world moving towards strategic competition.
This event is co-funded by the European Union and sponsored by the Polar Institute and the Global Europe Program. It features discussions on Polar and Arctic science, which are relevant to both the Atlantic and Arctic-related initiatives of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA).
Distinguished guests include Ambassador Jovita Neliupšienė (EU Ambassador to the US) and Dr. Mahlet Mesfin (US Department of State) as keynote speakers, along with Dr. Michael Sfraga (USARC), Ambassador David Balton (AESC), and Dr. Kelly Kryc (NOAA). Find all the event speakers here.
To join us for this insightful event on Monday 6 May, 10am Eastern Time (4pm Central European Time), be sure to register in advance to receive your online access link.