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Join us virtually for a livestreamed event on Arctic cooperation between the European Union and the United States. Our invited experts will discuss the global importance of Arctic science and...
Date and time: 11 April 2024, 13:15 – 14:45  Location: Atlantic Ocean Room (Area 06), Barcelona International Convention Centre (CCIB)  This satellite event will bring together All-Atlantic Ocean Research and...
Date and time: 8 April 2024, 17:00-18:30  Location: Auditorium, Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona (PRBB)  The panel will convene a diverse array of stakeholders, such as scientists, civil society,...
Session timing: 2-5pm (SA Time)/ 9-12 am (BR Time) Date: Thursday, November 23rd Find the programme here Live streaming here


Event date: 26-27 August 2020 | Online

Will the Coronavirus paralyze our research and lives or will it unite us as early career researchers by shared thoughts, worries and discussions? Let’s buckle up and get ready to try something new, shall we?

With a heavy heart, we have to realize that we cannot organize ICYMARE 2020 BREMERHAVEN as a real meeting. Big events are cancelled throughout Germany until the end of August. However, the number of participants remains undefined. Even if ICYMARE would be officially allowed by the number of participants, it still would be difficult if not even risky to travel and come together over days in bigger groups and have food and drinks…

We decided to “level up” though. We are already exploring several different options for a real meeting in 2021, but at this stage, we do not know where and when exactly it will take place. In the meantime, we want to keep up the spirit and try out a form of online networking during the days the conference was originally planned: 26 and 27 August 2020. Everybody is welcome to be part of this experiment either as a virtual session host or as a presenter.

The idea is to set-up virtual sessions for 10 participants each. Everyone in that group can present and discuss their research but especially it will be the opportunity to connect via a video conference tool and share your thoughts. You might want to establish a chat group for the time afterwards or find people you connect with on your topic for example. We want to keep the groups of 10 diverse by research topic and location as well as nationality and will distribute the presenters to a session. Moderation of the group the day itself will be up to the session host.
