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We are pleased to share a call for chapter abstracts for the book Perspectives in Ocean, Marine, and Coastal Governance, edited by Prof. Godwell Nhamo. If you are interested in...
Committed to make the key topics of the project available to all audiences, including younger ones, the scientists in partner organisations of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Europe wrote five dissemination...
UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC), Portugal and EurOcean Foundation are inviting Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) to apply to the 2nd edition of the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture Series. Application deadline extended until...
In this 21st edition of the AZTI Summer School, the proposed topic is ‘Artificial intelligence and citizen science in monitoring and assesing biodiversity and invasive species at sea’. This year, the...
Welcoming a new Cooperation Arrangement between the EC and Cabo Verde

Welcoming a new Cooperation Arrangement between the EC and Cabo Verde

The launch of the Mindelo Arrangement (Cooperation Arrangement between the European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde on Marine Research and Innovation Cooperation), took place in November 2018 during the Cabo Verde Ocean Week, organised by the Government of Cabo Verde.

The Mindelo Arrangement is an important building block of the All Atlantic Ocean Research Community, building on the multilateral Galway Statement (May 2013), the Belém Statement (July 2017) and the bilateral Arrangement on Marine Research Cooperation with Argentina (May 2018).

As Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, said:

“Thanks to its geographical position, Cabo Verde offers great opportunities to study, monitor and analyse the challenges and opportunities the Atlantic Ocean holds for us. This arrangement will support research and technologies that will unlock the potential of marine and maritime sectors, and will also create new opportunities for international cooperation”.

The Mindelo Arrangement aims to encourage cooperation for a coordinated and partnership-based approach based on mutual benefit in key common areas of interest such as: Climate variability and ecosystem approaches; Ocean observation (including seabed mapping), forecasting and monitoring processes and systems; Food security, fisheries management, aquaculture and biodiversity; Ocean technology (including for observations and renewable marine energy).

This Arrangement is an important additional step to build the All Atlantic Ocean Research Community, by bring together the people we need for the future we want!
