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UPDATE: Eurofleets+ Ship-time and marine Equipment Application (SEA-Programme) HROV ARIANE from Ifremer (France) is now available for access on the Call OCEANS.

UPDATE: Eurofleets+ Ship-time and marine Equipment Application (SEA-Programme) HROV ARIANE from Ifremer (France) is now available for access on the Call OCEANS.

The Eurofleets+ project will facilitate open access to an integrated and advanced research vessel fleet, designed to meet the evolving and challenging needs of the user community. European and international researchers from academia and industry will be able to apply for several access programmes, through a single-entry system. Eurofleets+ will prioritise support for research on sustainable, clean and healthy oceans, linking with existing ocean observation infrastructures, and it will support innovation through working closely with industry.

The SEA Programme offers fully funded transnational access to 14 Research Vessels (some with ice class) and 10 pieces of Marine Equipment to carry out ship-based research activities within any field of marine science.

Following completion of the interoperability assessment of all Eurofleets+ Project Remotely Operated Vehicles, the HROV ARIANE has been found suitable for deployment from large ocean going vessels. 

Check for funding conditions, application guidelines and full eligibility criteria at:

This call will remain open for the submission of proposals until Friday 27th of September 2019.

Through competitive calls, Eurofleets+ will enable access to research vessels in a wide geographic area, with access to the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Baltic, the North Sea, the North Atlantic (incl. Greenland and Norwegian seas), the Pacific Southern Ocean and the Ross Sea.

Three access programmes will be launched in Eurofleets+:

1) Ship-time and Marine Equipment Application (SEA programme) for access to the vessels and marine equipment through a full ship-time application, for which there will be a minimum of two calls, with „ocean“ and „regional“ vessels.

2) Co-PI programme specifically aimed at early career researchers to implement their own research together with experienced scientists in Eurofleets+ scheduled cruises. The Co-PI programme will be open to applications in a continuous running call.

3) Remote Transnational Access (RTA programme) to provide researchers with remote access to samples or data from a Eurofleets + fleet vessel. RTA programme applications will be submitted in a continuous running call. Remote access will allow smaller projects, sample or data needs, to be addressed, when this can be accomplished with one day of ship time.


Non European applicants are also elegible for funding.

Industry partners, early career researchers and female researchers are encouraged to apply.

EurofleetsPlus funds will cover:

  • use of the vessels, crew,  fuel and other standard operating costs
  • Travel expenses for the embarked team and transport of equipment and samples

Applications are welcome from international teams of researchers from academia and industry. Early-career and female applicants are encouraged to apply.

Research Vessels:

North Atlantic Ocean
RV Arni Freidrickson (HAFRA, Iceland)
RV Celtic Explorer (MI, Ireland)
RV DANA (DTU, Denmark)
RV Magnus Heinason (HAVST, Faroe Islands)
RV Mar Portugal (IPMA, Portugal)
Arctic Ocean
RV Sanna (GRONLANDS, Greenland)
RV G.O. SARS (HAVFO, Norway)
Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean
RV Alliance (NATO-CMRE, Italy)
RV Pelagia (NIOZ, The Netherlands)
RV Ramon Margalef (IEO, Spain)
RV Thalassa (IFREMER, France)
North-West/West Atlantic
RV Coriolis II (UQAR, Canada)
RV Atlantic Explorer (BIOS, Bermuda)
Pacific Ocean
RV Tangaroa (NIWA, New Zealand)
Marine Equipment:

AUV Hugin (UGOT, Sweden)
AUV Hugin (FFI, Norway)
ROV Ægir 6000 (UiB, Norway)
ROV Genesis (VLIZ, Belgium)
ROV Holland1 (MI, Ireland)
ROV LUSO (IPMA, Portugal)
ROV Marum Squid (UB, Germany)
ROV Ocean Modules V8 offshore (UGOT, Sweden)
VSAT Satellite System (Telepresence Unit) (GFOE, United States of America)

For detailed descriptions of the Research Vessels and Marine Equipment offered by Eurofleets+, visit

