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Although women and non-binary persons are under-represented in ocean sciences, their accomplishments are even less represented, in both print media and online. Help us bridge this digital gender gap in...
UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC), Portugal and EurOcean Foundation are inviting Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) to apply to the 2nd edition of the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture Series. This biennial Memorial Lecture...
The January issue of the OCEAN:ICE newsletter has recently been published. OCEAN:ICE News is a monthly newsletter updating about the project’s progress, results, and other exciting events. Be sure to...
The seventh issue of the MISSION ATLANTIC E-Newsletter has recently been published. This issue features the latest news and events from the MISSION ATLANTIC project, including the General Assembly 2024 and an exhibition booth at the ICES...
The Joint Pilot Actions are now fully operative!

The Joint Pilot Actions are now fully operative!

The Joint Pilot Actions are now fully operative!

Following a collaborative process among more than 70 stakeholders at the Atlantic level, the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Multi-Stakeholder Platform identified existing initiatives towards strengthening marine research and innovation collaboration at the Atlantic level, as well as gaps, needs, and recommendations to achieve the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance goals. Based on these findings and on the idea of collaboration, alignment, and use of existing resources, they have developed six ambitious and long-term collaborative Joint Pilot Actions, which are:

The six All-Atlantic Pilot Joint Actions (JPAs) have been launched this year, and they are now fully operative. Since their launch, the JPAs are organising events and workshops to promote their objectives and to gather new stakeholders. The All-Atlantic Blue Schools Network has also already developed its own website! Check it out here. The other JPAs websites will be available soon.

The JPAs are now busy preparing the calendar of activities for 2022. The long-term vision of the Joint Pilot Actions objectives is the pillar of the AANChOR CSA legacy, and crucial for the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance ambitions.

Curious? Check out the Joint Pilot Actions section on the All-Atlantic Ocean Alliance portal and stay up to date with what is happening! Your engagement is crucial for the success of each of the JPA!
