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Ocean Literacy Festival: Young Explorers of the Atlantic

Ocean Literacy Festival: Young Explorers of the Atlantic

On the 22nd of May, the All Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassadors aired their own side event for the Ocean Literacy Festival, called the Young Explorers of the Sea.

The event was a chance for the Ambassadors to talk about their common passion, ocean sustainability, and it gave them the  opportunity to share their love for the ocean and exchange words in their native languages,

The Youth Ambassadors opened the event by introducing themselves in a creative way, followed by a discussion about the ocean in movies, songs, and art.

As stated by Eloïse Savineau (@eloisesavineau), “Documentaries are a great way to showcase the ocean and get people talking about and advocating for the oceans in a positive way”.

The connection between us and the ocean should not be related to how close we live to the ocean or which field we are working in. Jillian Arany (@jillianarany) touched on her experience when she said that  “the people who are exposed to the ocean or live close to it almost feel this stewardship to it in a sense. Especially if you’re seeing it every day, you’re more apt to see the changes.”.

Thando Mazomba (@Thando_Mazomba) said that  “you can be living in the most remote place far away from the ocean and you have the ocean to thank for your oxygen. “, and “Anyone watching this (side-event) could be an ocean activist. It’s not about how close you live to the ocean.” said Othman Cherkaoui Dekkaki (@ODekkaki).

Harriet Dundon (@harrietrdundon) added “Our slogan today is Scientists are like you. At one point we didn’t know anything. And now here we are being activists and ambassadors for the Atlantic. You can start from anywhere!”.

Finally, we can’t forget the inspiring words of Raqueline Monteiro (@raquemonteiroc) “Everyone can be a scientist. If you live far from the ocean, investigate rivers, streams near your home. These are all related to the ocean. You can “see” the ocean everywhere.”

These small glimpses of thoughts and quotes are eye-opening and would be the beginning of amazing work done by Ambassadors.

Follow the inspiring work of the All-Atlantic Youth Ambassadors via their social media:

  • All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassador’s Twitter.

  • All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassador’s Facebook.  

  • All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassador’s Instagram.

  • Social Media Hashtags: #AtlanticAll #AtlanticYouth


Eloïse Savineau (Youth Ambassador of Belgium)

Othman Cherkaoui Dekkaki (Youth Ambassador of Morocco)
