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Although women and non-binary persons are under-represented in ocean sciences, their accomplishments are even less represented, in both print media and online. Help us bridge this digital gender gap in...
UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC), Portugal and EurOcean Foundation are inviting Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) to apply to the 2nd edition of the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture Series. This biennial Memorial Lecture...
The January issue of the OCEAN:ICE newsletter has recently been published. OCEAN:ICE News is a monthly newsletter updating about the project’s progress, results, and other exciting events. Be sure to...
The seventh issue of the MISSION ATLANTIC E-Newsletter has recently been published. This issue features the latest news and events from the MISSION ATLANTIC project, including the General Assembly 2024 and an exhibition booth at the ICES...
IceAGE3 expedition is underway!

IceAGE3 expedition is underway!

The IceAGE3 expedition is now underway on the RV Sonne. The team on board will spend the next five weeks exploring ecosystem biodiversity and connectivity in the Atlantic waters around Iceland.

They are sending regular updates and you can follow their progress through the expedition blog on the iAtlantic website – please visit

The ROV Kiel 6000 is on board, and the team will bring you footage from the dives as well as keeping you up to date with all the other science activity during the cruise.

You can also follow via Twitter (@IceAGE_RR and @iAtlanticEU), Instagram and Facebook (both @SenckenbergWorld).

iAtlantic is one of the All-Atlantic Sister Projects. Learn more about other projects that are contributing to build the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Community in the 2020 Spring newsletter of iAtlantic
