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FLAD Science Award Atlantic

FLAD Science Award Atlantic

Applications are now officially open for the FLAD Science Award Atlantic, an award for young researchers working in Portugal worth 300,000 euros.

The programme is pursuing doctorates in environmental, ecological, marine, engineering and technology science who want to study the Atlantic, in collaboration with research groups in the USA.

The Atlantic has a critical role in the understanding of the interaction between oceans, atmosphere and space, climate change, natural disasters and the planet’s sustainability. Since it is urgently needed to face these challenges, the FLAD Science Award Atlantic will focus on research projects that result in high practical applicability.

What is it expect from these applications?

Check here for the statements of Professor Miguel Miranda, member of the scientific committee of the award, president of IPMA and Full Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.

How this award is important for the advancement of science in Portugal?

Professor Pedro Camanho, president of LAETA and Full Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and guest scientist at NASA, explains why Portugal is in a privileged position to advance in this field.

The deadline for submission is on December 20, 2019.

Find more information and apply through the FLAD website
