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EurofleetsPlus AUV workshop/training

EurofleetsPlus AUV workshop/training

Gothenburg, Sweden | 18-23 Aug 2019 | Deadline: 8 July 2019

A workshops/training on AUV operation, organized within the Eurofleets+ training program, will be held at the Robotics Lab workshop of Gothenburg University (UGOT) in collaboration with the Swedish Marine Robotics Centre (SMaRC) including participation of industry (Marine Mätteknik, MMT).

The workshop will have a duration of 6 days (from 18th to 23rd August 2019) and is offered to 12 European PhD and post-graduate students (students of all nationalities enrolled at European universities).

The program will focus on:

  • Learning (-by-doing) the logistical challenges and advantages with AUVs as research tools
  • Acoustic methods for biotope classification and GIS charting
  • Limitations and opportunities of AUVs as platforms
  • Importance of the AUV sensor suite

Please note that the course is funded through Eurofleets+. Students will have to pay for travel and accommodation (if necessary indications for cheap accommodations will be provided) and partial travel reimbursement up to maximum 250€ is available after application.

Online application form is available to access at

Application must be received by July 8th at 18:00 hrs (UTC) For more information and to apply for, please visit
