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EMB looking for two new young ambassadors

EMB looking for two new young ambassadors

The European Marine Board is looking for two new enthusiastic, engaged and creative young ambassadors that are willing to play an important role in advocating for EMB and promoting the role and relevance of marine science and the ocean in general. The will reinforce and liaise with their two current Ambassadors to share experiences and ideas.

The EMB Ambassador Programme will:

  • challenge you to use and showcase your talent to increase general awareness about marine science and the role that EMB plays in promoting marine science;
  • create excitement about EMB’s strategic publications, events and their outcomes;
    • promote and communicate specific marine science foresight activities; and
    • enable you to liaise with other Young Marine Ambassadors and experts in diverse activities.

The EMB Young Ambassador Programme was launched in April 2019 in order to strengthen collaboration with and engagement from early career researchers. The Young Ambassadors are EMB’s soundboard to the substantial early career researcher population, and they ensure that the voices and ideas of young researchers are reflected within the European Marine Board’s work. With this Young Ambassador initiative, EMB aims to create the ocean that humanity needs for the future we want.

Who is an ideal EMB ambassador and what is expected?

Any PhD or post-doc student (up to a maximum of four years post PhD at the time of application) preferably from an EMB Member Organisation who can show experience in marine-based research, and are willing to use their creativity, imagination, communication and interpersonal skills to help promote EMB activities is welcome!

EMB ambassadors should be able to engage with EMB for a period of 2 years, and thus it is advisable that you should have more than two years left in your studies or Post-Doc. This long term programme will help the ambassador to get involved in the assigned project from the start to finish, and meet and liaise with European and international experts on the project.  Engaging with the EMB ambassador programme should take up ca. 120 hours per year. Applicants should be proficient in English, with a high level of skill in both spoken and written forms.

EMB ambassadors will be requested to participate in various activities, including attending and participating in one or more EMB Plenary meeting(s) and/or other external events or workshops. This will include travel within Europe for a duration of 2-3 days. EMB will refund reasonable travel and subsistence for these events up to a total amount of 3,000 EUR for the 2 year programme. Furthermore, the Ambassador will receive a total grant of 2,000 EUR (be paid in parts per semester, upon delivery of demonstrable outputs).

Ambassadors will be offered a 2-day workshop at the EMB offices in Ostend (Belgium) to increase their knowledge on the EMB activities, the European marine policy landscape and to provide insight into working at the science policy interface.  The training workshop will be held in the week of 16 March 2020 and any applicants should be available to come for training that week. The EMB will contact the selected Ambassadors to fix the exact dates.

Benefits for the EMB Ambassadors:

The EMB ambassador programme creates a unique opportunity to:

  • network with European and international senior marine science and policy experts from EMB member organisations and wider stakeholder networks;
  • attend and participate in high level expert marine science events;
  • put into practise your intercultural, networking, project planning and professional skills in real science communication projects;
  • receive first hand updates on our progress and insight into our future plans and hot topics;
  • help promote ocean literacy and gain the satisfaction of making the world a better place;
  • receive a grant of up to 2,000 EUR spread over the 2-year period; and
  • be listed as a young ambassador on the EMB website.

How to apply for the EMB Ambassador Programme

You can apply for the EMB Young Ambassador Programme by sending the following information to by Friday 31 January 2020:

  • Your CV;
  • The filled out application form including a short description on how you believe the ambassadorship could impact your career and what you would contribute to promoting the work of EMB; including a recommendation and/or approval from their supervisors to engage in the EMB Young Ambassador programme.

If you want more information on the specific topic you would like to work on; you can contact the EMB Secretariat via to request the Terms of Reference from the Working Group.

We’ll review the application and be in touch in the week of 17 February 2020!

Application deadline: Friday 31 January 2020

Selection of Young Ambassadors by: week of 17 February 2020

Ambassador training: week of 16 March 2020 (exact dates to be confirmed with the selected candidates)
