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All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance 2022 Forum

All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance 2022 Forum

The All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance 2022 Forum’s registrations are open!

The All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance 2022 Forum will be co-hosted by the United States and Brazil, in collaboration with the European Commission, over two events between May and July 2022.

From May 31-June 2, Brasilia will host the Scientific Event in an online form. This event will focus on scientific meetings and side events amongst the All-Atlantic community and will be an opportunity for researchers, policymakers, funders, industry, academia, and youth to share the important work they have been doing in the Atlantic, collaborate to co-create innovative solutions to today’s challenges and work towards more cooperative and sustainable research throughout the Atlantic.

Online side events will be happening from the week leading up to the event (week of May 25) until the week after (week of June 6). Outcomes from the Scientific Event will be highlighted at the Ministerial Event in Washington, D.C. the week of July 12-14 (streamed live), which will also feature ministerial interventions and the signing of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research & Innovation Alliance Declaration.

The Declaration outlines the vision of the All-Atlantic and will build upon collaboration between existing initiatives in the Atlantic Ocean on ocean research and innovation. The main ministerial event will be accompanied by side events hosted at several Embassies.

We look forward to seeing you May 31-June 2 and July 12-14, 2022!

Find out more info on the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance 2022 Forum Website.
