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Advertisement of contracts within iAtlantic at the IEO

Advertisement of contracts within iAtlantic at the IEO

IEO-Spanish Oceanographic Institute offers within the project iAtlantic (Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time) five contracts (category, duration and tasks of each contract is indicated for each profile below). All the information for application is available (in Spanish) at 

Deadline to submit the documents is the 12 September 2019.

Contract Code 365-1
Title requirement: Doctoral Degree, Master Degree, Engineering Degree, Architecture Degree or equivalent.
Workplace: IEO, Palma, Mallorca, Balearic Islands (Spain)
24 months. Full time contract

Description of tasks:
• Quantitative processing and interpretation of video transects and submarine images acquired with ROVs, underwater, submersibles.
• Habitat mapping
• Participation in oceanographic expeditions, stages in other research institutes, both nationally and internationally located for 1-2 month stays each year. Participation in International meetings and WS.
• Planning and carrying out of experiments in aquaria with deep-water species
• Processing of information acquired through video footage and aquaria experiments
• Statistical analysis of data
• Univariate and multivariate analysis methods
• Species distribution models and Predictive models
• Preparation of scientific publications and participation in the preparation of scientific/technical reports for the project
• Participation in project meetings and presentation of project results in international Symposia
• Collaboration in supervising students
• Excellent level of English and good grasp of statistical tools (R) is essential

Contract Code 365-2
Title requirement: Doctoral Degree, Master Degree, Engineering Degree, Architecture Degree or equivalent.
Workplace: IEO, Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain)
24 months. Full time contract

Description of tasks:
• Processing of hydrographic data from CTD and LADCP
• Calibration of CTD with autosaL measurements
• Analysis of physical, biological and chemical parameters with CTD and LADCP, combined with data from submarine cameras (video and still images) and/or ROVs, for the characterisation of water masses and dynamics of seamounts
• Analysis of data from numerical models and diverse observation systems which exist in the Atlantic (Argo, GDP, RAPID)
• Statistical treatment of data using matrix programming language
• Participation in oceanographic expeditions and international meetings
• Preparation of scientific publications and participation in the preparation of scientific/technical reports for the project dealing with the oceanographic dynamic in the Atlantic

Contract Code 365-3
Title requirement: Bachelor, Technical Engineering, Technical Architecture or equivalent.
Workplace: IEO, Palma, Mallorca, Balearic Islands (Spain)
19 months. Full time contract

Description of tasks:
• Ecophysiological experimentation in aquaria with cold-water corals and other benthic organisms
• Set up of experiments with aquaria
• Data analysis of experiment results, combined with information on oceanographic parameters acquired during campaigns
• Statistical treatment of data
• Univariate and multivariate analysis methods
• Stages in other research institutes, both nationally and internationally located for 1-2 month stays each year. Participation in International meetings and WS.
• Good grasp of English essential

Contract Code 365-4
Title requirement: Bachelor, Technical Engineering, Technical Architecture or equivalent.
Workplace: IEO, Palma, Mallorca, Balearic Islands (Spain)
36 months. Part time contract

Description of tasks:
• Administrative support for the project (time sheets, financial reporting and management, file storage, etc)
• Technical coordination (communication with different IEO centres, with the coordinating partner and other project partners, follow up of activities, fulfilment of tasks to deadlines, circulation of information and meeting reminders, etc.)
• Collaboration in the coordination of oceanographic expeditions
• Preparation of technical and financial reports (collation and editing of content, proofreading and version control)
• Good grasp of English essential since the majority of communication will be in this language

Contract Code 365-5
Title requirement: Bachelor, Technical Engineering, Technical Architecture or equivalent.
Workplace: IEO, Madrid (Spain)
24 months. Full time contract

Description of tasks:
• Participation in oceanographic expeditions, principally those related to thematic mapping
• Processing oceanographic data; acquisition, processing and management of geoscientific information.
• Interpretation and analysis of geoscientific information in the environment of geographic information systems (GIS)
• Assessment and management of geoscientific information on online spatial data infrastructure databases.
• Mapping of benthic fauna
• Quantitative processing and analysis of underwater video images
• Participation in the preparation of scientific reporting
• Participation in the preparation of scientific reports and dissemination of project results
