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In this 21st edition of the AZTI Summer School, the proposed topic is ‘Artificial intelligence and citizen science in monitoring and assesing biodiversity and invasive species at sea’. This year, the...
Although women and non-binary persons are under-represented in ocean sciences, their accomplishments are even less represented, in both print media and online. Help us bridge this digital gender gap in...
Join us in Tromsø, Norway, from January 27 to 30 for Arctic Frontiers 2025: Beyond Borders! Arctic Frontiers is a catalyst for decision-making and network building by mobilizing key voices...
This year’s edition of the European Ocean Days will take place in Brussels from 3 to 7 March 2025. The European Ocean Days is a week-long event with a series...
European Maritime Day

European Maritime Day

Event date: Cork 21-23 May 2025

European Maritime Day 2025 will take place in Cork, Ireland, on the 21-23 May 2025.

It is the annual event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and outline joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy.

The EMD is also the place where ‘Ocean Leaders Meet’. It provides an engaging and interactive experience to catch up on the current state of play on a broad range of issues concerning the blue economy and the marine environment and to discuss ways of moving forward. It features inspirational speakers, thematic sessions, stakeholder workshops, exhibition and lots of networking opportunities. The EMD targets professionals from businesses, governments, public institutions, NGOs and academia as well as EU citizens interested in the sea.

The EMD will also include the third annual event hosted by the Blue Forum: the Fisheries and Ocean Dialogue.

The EMD 2025 is organised by the European Commission, the Cork City Council and the Irish ministry Department of Environment, Climate and Communications.
