All-Atlantic Marine Biotechnology Initiative
The All-Atlantic Marine Biotechnology Initiative (AA-BIOTECMAR) is a collective effort to support the development of new and emerging technologies intended to improve human health, encouraging the sustainable use of marine resources through marine biotechnology and advanced technologies in aquaculture, food production, fisheries management, and environmental monitoring. AA-BIOTECMAR will promote collaboration among countries of the Belem and Galway statements through workshops and technical visits, identify best methodologies for technology transfer, promote outreach and engage ocean leaders to support the blue growth.

The Joint Pilot Action Marine Biotechnology Initiative for the Atlantic (BIOTECMAR) aims to foster collaborations across governments, academic, and private sectors in the field of Marine Biotechnology (the industrial, medical, or environmental application of biological resources from the sea). It also aims to create mechanisms of technology transfer and promote the development of new marine biotechnology companies at the Atlantic Ocean level. It will achieve these aims through a systemic approach, including i. mechanisms to promote networking and engagement of the partners, ii. technology transfer and R&I sharing, and iii. capacity building and ocean leaders development.
Marine biodiversity is a major untapped resource, especially in countries with high endemic biodiversity. New technologies will be necessary to harness the full potential of marine biodiversity to deliver products and services, from the production of biofuels, food, feedstuffs to the discovery of new biomaterials, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.
Activities and Outcomes
To achieve the goals established for this Joint Action, several activities are planned to be realized:
1. The first workshop will be developed to establish a joint roadmap and action plan for networking-capacity building. This will serve to engage senior researchers, government officers and CEOs. It will also serve to discuss the state of the art and to find out the common interests to be further jointly developed;
2. Subsequently, a training course on marine biotechnology will be developed to leverage early career leaders from different countries, particularly from Africa and Latin America;
3. The third product proposed for this Join Pilot Action is a workshop targeted at start-ups and new businesses opportunities in blue growth. It aims to leverage new start-ups and innovation in marine biotechnology, as well new projects, and services in the fields of marine biotechnology, including novel biomolecules with biological activities, renewable energy, aquaculture, environmental monitoring, maritime activities, information, and technology;
4. The last mission to be accomplished embraces the necessary meetings and discussions to come up with a roadmap and action plan for the development of marine biotechnology in the Atlantic. Possible outcomes of this last mission for the present project are new start-ups and R&D projects with joint participation of academia-government-industry across the Atlantic.
Through networking and a co-design process, the Joint Marine Biotechnology Initiative for the Atlantic will improve the sustainable use of Atlantic Ocean biodiversity resources. It is expected to create the following major impacts:
Enhance innovation and business opportunities for the entire Atlantic;
Improve monitoring systems;
Improve marine production (aquaculture) systems;
Improve capacity building in the marine biotechnology area.
The Joint Marine Biotechnology Initiative for the Atlantic will join forces, promote efficient cooperation and maximise impact by bringing together organisations and projects having experience and an interest in the marine biotechnology area at the Atlantic Ocean level, including the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance related projects.
In a co-creating process at the Atlantic Ocean level, the Joint Marine Biotechnology Initiative for the Atlantic will contribute to the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance ambition through the development of new and emerging technologies intended to improve human health. It will also promote the sustainable use of marine resources through marine biotechnology, and advanced technologies in aquaculture, food production, fisheries management, and environmental monitoring. It will also encourage new models for cooperation on a coordination and partnership-based approach to tackle scientific and societal challenges of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Joint Marine Biotechnology Initiative for the Atlantic will undoubtedly benefit the following key common areas of interest under the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance: Climate Variability, Ocean Observation, Ocean Resources, Ocean Technology, Emerging Pollutant, Polar Research.

Short-term achieved outcomes (from January 2021 to January 2023):
Got the community together for the establishment of the All-Atlantic Marine Biotechnology Initiative through the All-Atlantic Workshop Current Trends in Marine Biotechnology Research (November 2021). See report here.
Organized a training course on marine biotechnology: the All-Atlantic Workshop Biotec Bioinformatics Tools and Applications (April 2022). See report here.
Organized a start-up accelerator workshop where synergies with AA-ATiP were explored: the All-Atlantic Workshop Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology Startup Accelerator (June 2022). See report here.
Defined a roadmap and an action plan for the development of sustainable marine biotechnology and bioeconomy in the Atlantic. See roadmap and action plan here.
Established synergies with 2 All-Atlantic sister projects, 7 international projects, 4 European infrastructures and 19 initiatives (organizations, universities and research centers among others).
Long-term expected outcomes:
Implementation of the All-Atlantic Marine Biotechnology Initiative, supporting the development of new and emerging technologies intended to improve human health and encouraging the sustainable use of marine resources through marine biotechnology and advanced technologies in aquaculture, food production, fisheries management and environmental monitoring.
Partners Involved
This Joint Pilot Action is led by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, based in Brazil. The participant countries of this Joint Pilot Action include several countries from both sides of the Atlantic: Argentina, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Ireland, Kenya, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, United States of America.
Who else can be involved?
Researchers, entrepreneurs, private sector, investors, legislators, governmental bodies (local, regional, national and international level), Ministries, Research Foundations.