All-Atlantic Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform
Using the Brazilian aquaculture sector as a case study, the All-Atlantic Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (AA-ATiP) Joint Pilot Action will consider the steps required in the design, implementation, and management of a multi-stakeholder All-Atlantic Aquaculture Platform, following the principles of collaboration, cooperation and shared Ocean resources. A roadmap for the strategic progress of the aquaculture sector among the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance partners will be developed with engaged stakeholders working towards identified strategic research and innovation agendas for national sustainable aquaculture development.

Ocean food resources are limited. Humans need alternate sources for seafood to feed the planet’s ever-growing population. Sustainable aquaculture is a solution but no country alone can increase aquaculture production to the needed level. International cooperation throughout the value chain is needed to promote the application in aquaculture of new and emerging technologies, innovation and business opportunities, the transfer of knowledge and technology to advance the sustainable use of marine resources for the benefit of society. The Atlantic Ocean can be a model for such stakeholder cooperation at a regional level. This Joint Pilot Action (JPA) proposes to prepare the foundations of an industry-driven, membership-based, multi-stakeholder Brazilian Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (BrATip) that can serve as a model to other Atlantic countries, with the aim to support the application in aquaculture of new and emerging technologies, innovation and business opportunities, the transfer of knowledge and technology, and implementation of the Belem Statement for the benefit of society.
Activities and Outcomes
To achieve the goals established for this Joint Pilot Action (JPA), several activities are planned to be realized:
Explore interest, identify key stakeholders and organize a high-level Brokerage Event
Determine the set-up strategy of the BrATiP
Co-create the way forward towards an All-Atlantic Aquaculture Platform with BrATiP as the first stepstone
This JPA will benefit the field of aquaculture at the Atlantic Ocean by bringing together different stakeholders along the aquaculture value chain throughout the Atlantic (both European and other regions across the Atlantic). It is expected to have the following impacts:
Create win-win collaboration and business opportunities across the Atlantic region;
Join forces by bringing together projects with experience and an interest in collaborating with Brazil specifically and the South-Atlantic in general;
Improve the international cooperation in the field of sustainable aquaculture to ensure food and feed security at the Atlantic Ocean level;
Support the application in aquaculture of new and emerging technologies, innovation and business opportunities, the transfer of knowledge and technology, and implementation of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance ambition for the benefit of society.
It will join forces, promote efficient cooperation and maximize impact by bringing together organizations and projects having experience and an interest in the aquaculture area at the Atlantic Ocean level, including the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance related projects.
The JPA will also contribute to the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance by implementing a self-sustained network of stakeholders working towards a complementary and mutually supportive research and innovation agenda promoting knowledge transfer between academia-industry-policy-society. The platforms to be created encourage new models of cooperation on a coordinated and partnership-based approach, develop common solutions in the aquaculture sector and promote capacity development through best practices exchange. There will undoubtedly be benefits to the following key common areas of interest under the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance: Climate Variability, Ocean Observation, Ocean Resources, Ocean Technology, Emerging Pollutant, Polar Research.

Short-term achieved outcomes (from January 2021 to January 2023):
Got the community together for the establishment of the strategic research and innovation needs for aquaculture development in Brazil and South Africa towards and All-Atlantic Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform: (1) Virtual workshop (June 2021); (2) Aquascience (September 2021); (3) Promotion through EATiP; (4) Brokerage Event in Brazil (August 2022); (5) Brokerage Event in South Africa (November 2022).
Laid down the stones to launch a Brazilian Aquaculture Platform and a South African Aquaculture Platform that, together with the existing European Aquaculture Platform, will pave the way for an All-Atlantic Aquaculture Platform.
Established synergies and new partnerships, including synergies with 2 All-Atlantic sister projects, 1 international project, 7 European infrastructures and 16 initiatives (organisations, universities and research centers among others). Established relationship with AA-BIOTECMAR.
Developed a roadmap for AA-ATiP development and implementation in Brazil.
Developed platform methodologies for transatlantic industry-academia-research-citizen collaboration and attainable actions for aquaculture implementation.
Established synergies and new partnerships, including synergies with 2 All-Atlantic sister projects, 1 international project, 7 European infrastructures and 16 initiatives (organisations, universities and research centers among others). Established relationship with AA-BIOTECMAR.
Details and reports on the above outcomes are available here.
Long-term expected outcomes:
Deploy a transatlantic knowledge transfer platform focused on the Blue Economy that promotes and facilitates knowledge transfer throughout the aquaculture innovation chain towards sustainable development – the All-Atlantic Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform.
Partners Involved
This JPA, led by the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP), is a multinational initiative based in Belgium and organized by three European countries (Belgium, Norway, and Germany) with members extending across Europe and including 16 national/regional cluster platforms, and one South American country (Brazil), with expectations to have additional participation of countries from all over the Atlantic Ocean, such as South Africa, Argentina and Cape Verde, which are prioritized target countries.
Who else can be involved?
Industry (including SMEs, startups, and spinoffs), clusters, science and technology parks, technology transfer offices and initiatives, innovation agencies, universities, research and technology institutes, innovation policy makers, funding/investment-related organizations are all envisaged to contribute and cooperate during the establishment of the BrATiP and/or in the future All-Atlantic Aquaculture Platform.