To meet the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, greenhouse gas emissions must reach net-zero by mid-century. Achieving this will not only require reducing existing emissions in all sectors, but also the deliberate removal of atmospheric greenhouse gasses by human actions. The Ocean has a significant role to play through marine carbon sequestration. To assess the potential of Oceans, seas and estuaries in reducing the causes and consequences of climate change, globally and locally, EMBRC Belgium and Instituut voor Landbouw, Visserij- en Voedingsonderzoek (ILVO) are organizing a Symposium on Marine Carbon Sequestration in Ostend, Belgium. By bringing scientists, political, industrial, and non-governmental parties together the Symposium aims to identify the potential of such negative emission technologies and the required knowledge development that is still needed.
More info HERE.