

Early Career Ocean Professionals

Recognizing the significant role of new generations of ocean professionals in shaping value systems, contributing valuable knowledge, and fostering an ocean-centric worldview, the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA) is committed to integrating Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) into its activities. Since 2019, AAORIA has been focused on equipping ECOPs with the skills, education, training, and opportunities needed to drive positive change and sustainable development across the Atlantic Ocean.

Through initiatives such as Summer Schools, Intergenerational Dialogues, and regular participation in AAORIA Fora, the Alliance aims to foster a dynamic and inclusive ocean community, enabling ECOPs to actively engage in policy formulation and the implementation of AAORIA’s goals for a healthy and sustainable Atlantic Ocean.

Current Activities

Intergenerational Dialogue: Shaping Priorities Through Intergenerational Learning

To advance its policy priorities, AAORIA promotes intergenerational learning and dialogue, facilitating collaboration across disciplines, cultures, and nations. These dialogues provide ECOPs with opportunities to engage in mutual learning with their peers, senior ocean professionals, and policymakers.

The AAORIA intergenerational dialogues are designed to allow ECOPs to share innovative ideas, propose solutions, and enhance policymaking through practical experiences. These sessions include brainstorming and pitch presentations, facilitated by discussion coaches, where ECOPs can present their perspectives on advancing science and stewardship of the Atlantic Ocean.

The inaugural intergenerational dialogue was held at the Galway Statement 10-year anniversary event in Galway, Ireland, on July 5-6, 2023. This event focused on discussing ocean conservation priorities outlined in the 2022 All-Atlantic Declaration. The positive feedback and active participation have led to the establishment of annual intergenerational dialogues, with the next one scheduled for 2024 in Ottawa, Canada. These dialogues will continue to enhance engagement, mentorship, and networking across the Atlantic, facilitating the exchange of innovative ideas and expertise for a sustainable ocean

Summer Schools, Training Opportunities, and the All-Atlantic ECOP Association

AAORIA is dedicated to supporting the training and development of ECOPs through various initiatives, including online courses, summer schools, and floating universities. Regular online seminars are organized to provide ECOPs with essential skills in policy making, science diplomacy, communications, stakeholder engagement, local and indigenous knowledge, and cultural intelligence.

AAORIA also organizes dedicated Summer Schools through its implementing projects, with successful sessions held in 2019 in Ireland and 2022 in the United States (see Legacy below), and more planned for 2024 in Brazil and beyond.

The All-Atlantic ECOP Association is also being established to strengthen the network of Atlantic ECOPs, collaborating with early-career professionals from AAORIA partner institutions. This new initiative will connect with existing programs like the EU Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters Mission and the United Nations ECOP programme and will invite these programs to participate and collaborate.