Young Leaders in Marine Conservation

Young Leaders in Marine Conservation



In 2020 we are celebrating ten years of the Young Leaders in Marine Conservation Program. Contents: 1) The Political Dimension of Nature Conservation. The application of the human rights framework. in the processes of incidence and proper implementation of public policies linked to sustainable development and biodiversity conservation; 2) The socio-environmental conflicts, its causes and effects. The concept of conflict transformation. Roles. The Concept of “Ho Poponopono” and the link between conflict transformation and environmental justice. Third Side Roles. Creative negotiation: Listening, empathy, non-violent communication, agreement building. Arbitration, Mediation and Facilitation; 3) Construction of platforms and coalitions. Design and management of collaborative processes. Tools for facilitation, management and monitoring. Internal organization tools for process facilitation. Roles and methods; 4) Impact using dialogue and the promotion of human rights on value chains based on the exploitation of natural resources. Scope of standards and certifications of responsible socio-environmental management; 5) The Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights. New standards, mechanisms and practices in finance and value chains. Impact on public policies and regulations. Executive, legislative and judicial.


Belem statement areas
Climate Variability
Ocean Observation
Time frame
2010 - Ongoing


The Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea