Strengthening European research cooperation for smart and sustainable management of tropical and subtropical biodiversity in outermost regions and overseas countries and territories

Strengthening European research cooperation for smart and sustainable management of tropical and subtropical biodiversity in outermost regions and overseas countries and territories



NetBiome-CSA will extend and strengthen research partnerships and cooperation for smart and sustainable management of tropical and subtropical biodiversity in outermost regions (ORs) and overseas countries and territories (OCTs). This will be achieved through a participative process mobilising stakeholders, their knowledge and resources for initiatives such as policy and priority analysis, multi-stakeholder dialogues, exchange of good practices, training and issuing of recommendations. The project builds on the existing biodiversity research partnership created through the ERA-Net project NetBiome and takes on the challenge of mobilizing further stakeholders at all levels of the quadruple helix (knowledge institutions, enterprises, government and civil society) to address perceived priority challenges in conciliating conservation and sustainable management of tropical biodiversity with the sustainable development of Europe’s regions and territories, based on the benefits from high biodiversity. The project’s activities, specifically tailored to the needs and priorities identified by the ORs and OCTs, will contribute to: improved research and innovation governance; alignment of research efforts with policy needs strengthening evidence-based policies; enhanced implementation and impact of the EU Biodiversity Strategy and CBD Strategic Plan; innovative biodiversity management tools (Biodiversity Management Toolbox), increased regional socio-economic and cultural development; enhanced international visibility of ORs and OCTs and the uptake of their good practices, expertise and knowledge; effective international and trans-regional cooperation among European ORs and OCTs and with third countries.


Belem statement areas
Ocean Resources
Time frame
2013 - 2016


José Azevedo
Fundo Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia