RV Hesperides

RV Hesperides



The Oceanographic Research Vessel (R/V) Hespérides is a global research vessel. Its instrumentation and laboratories allow to perform studies of geology, marine geophysics, hydrography, physical and chemical oceanography, marine biology and ocean monitoring with deep towed vehicles and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs, etc.). The research carried out in it is fundamentally directed and financed by the National R + D + i Plan. Its hull is reinforced to navigate the polar areas of the Antarctic and the Arctic, so, in addition, it serves as logistical support to the Spanish bases of the South Pole. The Hespérides belongs to the Spanish Navy and is based in Cartagena (Murcia), where it was built and launched on March 12, 1990. The Marine Technology Unit (UTM) of the CSIC is responsible for the maintenance of the scientific equipment of the ship and contributes the technical personnel for the realization of the oceanographic campaigns.


Belem statement areas
Climate Variability
Emerging Pollutants
Ocean Observation
Ocean Resources
Ocean Technology
Time frame
1990 - Ongoing