Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Belgian Marine Data Centre

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Belgian Marine Data Centre



The Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC) at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences is a National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) dedicated to the long-term storage, the scientific processing and the publication of Belgian marine environmental data. The mission of BMDC is firstly to assure the safeguarding of meaningful oceanographic data collections as a valuable heritage to support environment assessments of the past, present and future quality state of the North Sea. So far, around half a million marine data are archived in our central oceanographic database and is accessible via our Oceanographic Data request platform.
At BMDC, we hold a wealth of publicly accessible marine data collected using a variety of instruments and samplers and collated from many sources. We handle biological, ecological, chemical, physical and geophysical data and our oceanographic database contains measurements of more than half a million marine measurement results available online. BMDC also assures the development of information infrastructures and web services related to marine data collection, marine data handling and marine data publication. BMDC activities relies on the scientific expertise of a dedicated team of environmental engineers, biologists and informaticians whose expertise is oriented towards the management and the analysis of marine environmental data and the development of related web services.


Belem statement areas
Ocean Resources
Time frame
n/a - Ongoing


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences