Red de Jóvenes Líderes de la Conservación Marina – The Young Leaders in Marine Conservation Network

Red de Jóvenes Líderes de la Conservación Marina – The Young Leaders in Marine Conservation Network



In a context of increasing conflict over the use of coastal and marine spaces, it is important that students and young professionals understand the importance of interdisciplinary work to be effective in biodiversity conservation. To face this challenge, then, it is necessary to offer training in aspects related to the implementation of public policies, values of society, decision-making processes, conflict resolution, and communication and education strategies. Many students and young professionals are carrying out or participating in marine conservation projects in isolation along the coast of the Patagonian Sea, some of which could be complementary and provide an opportunity to share lessons learned. However, given the size of the territory involved, and the economic difficulty for students to travel, there are few opportunities for meeting, learning, exchanging experiences and coordinating efforts. As a proposal to address this problem, the Training Program for Young Leaders in Marine Conservation was created in 2010. It is aimed at advanced undergraduates, graduate students, researchers and young professionals, and any person working in the governmental and non-governmental sector with experience in the field of marine conservation, whether in management, education or research.


Belem statement areas
Climate Variability
Ocean Observation
Time frame
2010 - Ongoing