Ocean Networks Canada

Ocean Networks Canada



The ONC monitors the west and east coasts of Canada and the Arctic to continuously deliver data in real-time for scientific research that helps communities, governments and industry make informed decisions about our future. ONC fosters ocean literacy by collaborating with Indigenous knowledge holders and local experts to develop resources and programs for educators, students, and citizen scientist. The Learning and Engagement team works to develop educational resources about ocean science for students, educators, and the public. The video, photos, audio, and oceanographic sensor data collected by Ocean Networks Canada are valuable learning tools that can be used for classroom activities and labs at the primary, secondary, and post-secondary levels. One of our highlighted projects is Ocean Alive, whose television episodes and associated classroom resources promote ocean literacy, and aim to educate students, and the broader public, about ocean science and the research being facilitated by ONC.


Belem statement areas
Climate Variability
Emerging Pollutants
Ocean Observation
Ocean Resources
Ocean Technology
Polar Research
Time frame
n/a - Ongoing


Ocean Network Canada