The Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAfrica) brings together more than 40 marine related institutions from twenty-five countries in Africa to address the challenges faced in accessing data and information for coastal management. With the support of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) the network strives to address the challenges faced in ensuring that ocean and coastal data and information generated in national, regional and global programmes are readily available to a wide range of users in an easily understandable format. The focus of the current phase of the project is strengthening the pan African network of National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODCs), and marine related institutions, as a sustained mechanism for application of data, information and products in marine and coastal management in Africa. This includes the development of linkages with data generators (including on-going large-scale projects on the African coasts), and the development of targeted products and services for national and regional end users. This will enable them demonstrate their roles as national facilities and encourage other projects to deposit their data in the NODCs, thereby making them sustainable.