Coastal dynamics can be analyzed by multitemporal comparison of Digital Elevation Models generated by geodetic method based on GNSS positioning and altimetry in relation to the Brazilian Geodetic System, providing measurement of short-term morphological changes on a regional scale. The methodology consists of the comparison of coastlines and Digital Elevation Models of Ponta Dareia beach, located in Maranhão, on a semi-annual scale, to obtain erosion / accretion areas and volumes and the flowchart of the sedimentary balance. The analysis of the generated maps also allows to identify the orientation of sediment transport in LC, the implications on sedimentary balance and its correlation with meteoroceanographic agents (winds and waves). The results may reveal typical morphological features of beach areas with the benefits of high GNSS productivity over conventional topography, which will support sea level rise studies, geoenvironmental database generation and future computational simulation in Geographic Virtual Environment.