The training aims to train students in all areas relating to physical oceanography and its various components. Thus, they will follow a training on the climate, the role of the ocean on the climate, the physical characteristics of the ocean and the water masses, the ocean circulation, the drivers of this circulation and its variability, the particularities ocean and circulation in the equatorial zone, upwellings of cold water and their dynamics (upwellings), exchanges in the ocean and the atmosphere, coupled ocean – atmosphere dynamics, digital models and analysis (satellite data, in situ measurements, complex products). The scientific and educational objectives of the Regional Master of Physical Oceanography and Applications (MROPA) are to provide each student, who already have a solid foundation in mathematical and physical sciences, a training opening on research in the fields of physical oceanography, the coastal environment, the relationship between the ocean and the climate, the climate impact on fishery resources and modeling. A common core will allow students to develop a common culture. Tutorials will allow students to acquire practical training in the scientific exploitation of measurements, products or results of digital models. Research internships will allow students to learn about the practice of research in a laboratory. They will culminate in the writing of an internship thesis, defended at the end of the academic year.