The mission of the “Inter-Islamic Science and Technology Network on Oceanography” (INOC) is to play the catalyser role to foster closer cooperation among the countries of the Muslim Ummah in the field of development and management of marine resources. In pursuit of this mission, it seeks to generate ideas and policy directions through intensive dialogue, studies and research on a continuing basis. The main objectives of INOC are as follows: (A) to facilitate the exchange of scientific data and information and the transfer of knowledge resulting from marine scientific research and maintain continuing dialogue with member states on the development of Ocean services; (B) to set-up and maintain a data bank on the developments in the marine sciences and related fields, taking into account national interests of the subscribing countries; (C) to collaborate and cooperate in the areas of common interest with a view to helping each other in building up the national capabilities of the member states in the development of the exploration and exploitation of the marine resources; (D) to initiate joint research programmes and other activities, promote capacity building and recycling of operators in the fields and provide consultancy and advisory services to the member countries; (E)
to promote networking and develop partnership with other similar regional and international organizations.