The Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar – Centro de Oceanografia Integrada (INCT-Mar COI) project is a network of 17 Brazilian and 15 international institutions dedicated to implement and consolidate a network of Brazilian institutions to promote high standard oceanographic research, to contribute to education and training of human resources and to generate information to guide public policies by the government and policy makers. INCT-Mar COI will contribute to a better understanding on how large-scale changes in oceanic circulation, associated with changes in atmospheric circulation, will produce impacts on the SW Atlantic Ocean. Heating and salinization of the upper layers will affect the the hydrological regime of the adjacent coastal zone, promoting corresponding changes in the coastal runoff and groundwater discharge. Changes in the dynamics of the Brazil Current and the system of winds and waves will most probably alter Brazilian regional oceanography, including coastal circulation, coastal mesoscale features, upper layer stratification, coastal and shelfbreak upwelling. These changes will impact on marine life, from microorganisms to large marine living resources. To achieve these objectives, INCT-Mar COI has 7 thematic networks: 1) The role of oceans in climate change; 2) The value of living resources; 3) Biodiversity and Geodiversity; 4) Transfer of knowledge to stakeholders; 5) Education and training; 6) Large equipment and infrastructure; and, 7) Support of public policies. The integrated results obtained by INCT-Mar COI will promote regional scientific development and will contribute to build a new generation of scientists and technicians that will improve Brazil’s qualification in ocean science.