The Global Penguin Society is an organization dedicated to the conservation of the world´s penguin species, the coasts and the oceans they inhabit. Fosters the conservation of all penguin species and their associated ecosystems, generating science, management guidelines and education. Promote awareness about taking care of the penguins and the oceans. We take children and teachers of schools to the penguin colonies. The Global Penguin Society is an internationally recognized leader organization dedicated to the conservation of the world´s penguin species, the coasts and the oceans they inhabit. The Global Penguin Society fosters the conservation of all penguin species and their associated ecosystems, generating science, management guidelines and education. Its objectives are (1) Develop sound science to use in the conservation of penguins and marine environments at local, regional, and global scales; (2) Educate communities and decision makers about the importance of penguins and their habitats, aiming at achieving lasting behavioral changes; (3) Identify priority areas for the conservation of penguins and their ecosystems, propose and implement guidelines for their protection; (4) Influence the establishment, implementation, and effectiveness of public and private conservation policies.