Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa

Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa



The Regional Marine Centre at University of Ghana, is implementing the Marine and Coastal Areas Management in western Africa project under the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security & Africa (GMES & Africa) programme. The GMES project utilised EO and satellite technologies to generate critical products and information services for socioeconomic development of African people as well as sustainable environmental management. It is a continuation of the MESA program. The Marine and Coastal Areas Management in Western Africa Action is one of the six sub-regional programmes being carried out under GMES & AFRICA, with the mandate of addressing coastal and marine management issues in West Africa. The products and services have been extended to 5: (1) Provision of potential fishing zone charts overlaid with vessel traffic; (2) Monitoring and forecasting oceanographic variables; (3) Forecast of ocean conditions disseminated as SMS alerts,
(4) Generate coastal vulnerability indices and (5) Mapping of coastal ecosystem / habitats.


Belem statement areas
Climate Variability
Ocean Resources
Ocean Technology
GMES & Africa
Time frame
2018 - 2021


George Wiafe
University of Ghana