German Federation for Biological Data

German Federation for Biological Data



The German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio) is the authoritative, national contact point for issues concerning the management and standardisation of biological and environmental research data during the entire data life cycle (from acquisition to archiving and data publication). GFBio mediates expertise and services between the GFBio data centers and the scientific community, covering all areas of research data management: 1. Acquisition, Quality Control and Standardization: GFBio provides access to tools, standards and working platforms. These can be used during data creation, are suitable for preliminary data management and fully supported by the GFBio archiving centers; 2. Archiving and Publication: GFBio provides the central national contact point for submission of biological data and mediates data archiving in dedicated data centers to ensure sustainable, long-term preservation and publication of data; 3. Access: GFBio provides an integrated open access data portal for data, managed by the GFBio data centers, and all its services; 4. Analysis and Interpretation: GFBio mediates services for data analysis and visualization. This is based on the data managed and provided by the GFBio data centers; 5. Education and Training: GFBio provides training materials. It organizes and supports events for the education and training of scientists on all facets of research data management. One major goal of GFBio is the long-term preservation of biological data. In order to cope with heterogenous data from multidisciplinary projects, a coordinated approach is needed. Therefore, GFBio brings together the data archiving and curation expertise of several national archives and data centers – (a) ENA – European Nucleotide Archive
– PANGAEA – Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science; (b) Data Centers at Natural Science Collections; (c) BGBM – Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin; (d) DSMZ – Leibniz Institute DSMZ – German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, Braunschweig; (e) MfN – Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity, Berlin; (f) SGN – Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung – Leibniz Institute, Frankfurt; (g) SMNS – State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart; (h) SNSB – Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns; (i) SNSB IT Center, München; (j) ZFMK – Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig – Leibniz Institute for Animal Biodiversity, Bonn-


Belem statement areas
Climate Variability
Emerging Pollutants
Ocean Resources
Polar Research
Time frame
2016 - Ongoing


Ivaylo Kostadinov
Universität Bremen