eThekwini Maritime Cluster – Training & Skills Development programme

eThekwini Maritime Cluster – Training & Skills Development programme



The eThekwini Maritime Cluster (EMC) – Training & Skills Development programme hs the following oobjectives: (1) facilitate capacity building between institutions of higher learning; (2) develop Ethekwini as as a centre of excellence in maritime education and training; (3) facilitate a graduate placement programme within the maritime industry. The Training & Skills Development programme facilitates capacity building within the sector by providing the necessary intervention to position Durban as a Centre of Maritime Education. EMC, in partnership with the Department of Education, UKZN, DUT, Transnet Maritime School of Excellence, South African Association of Marine Biological Research (SAAMBR) facilitated educator’s workshops, as an intervention to capacitate maritime educators. This is in line with EMC’s mandate to improve education and training for the maritime industry and to enable talented people to enter the industry, starting with High School level. EMC continues to facilitate a collaborative engagement of relevant stakeholders, even global stakeholders in order to advance skills development in the maritime sector.


Belem statement areas
Ocean Technology
Time frame
n/a - Ongoing


Ethekwini Maritime Cluster