Dinámica del Plancton Marino y Cambio Climático

Dinámica del Plancton Marino y Cambio Climático



The mission of DiPlaMCC is to assist and advise the Directorate of Invertebrates and Marine Environment Fish Markets, the National Research Directorate and the INIDEP Directorate through the necessary studies to develop a conceptual framework on the structure and dynamics of plankton in relation to environmental conditions and the likely effect produced by global climate changes, as well as these may affect the fish in the Argentine Sea. The overall goal of DiPlaMCC is to a nalyze variations in the diversity and dynamics of plantonic communities and environmental variables and their possible relationship to climate change. Develop a conceptual framework on plantonic trófic structure and its temporal variations. Provide relevant information for the interpretation of fluctuations in fishery resources. In this program it is proposed to generate ecological time seriesin a station located on the coastal front of the bonaerense platform and in a section of the coast to the slope at the height of Mar del Plata. Various tools such as taxonomic identifications by classical microscopy, epifluorescence and more modern such as the use of FlowCAM (flow cytometry and image analysis) are used to meet the proposed objectives; radiometric measurements on the sea surface and in the water column; continuous measurements of CO2 pressure in water, and discrete determinations of the carbonate system; incubation experiences to estimate production rates.


Belem statement areas
Climate Variability
Emerging Pollutants
Ocean Observation
Ocean Resources
Ocean Technology
Time frame
2000 - Ongoing


Vivian Lutz
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero