Cluster Ocean Floor

Cluster Ocean Floor



The Cluster of Ex­cel­lence The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Un­charted In­ter­face aims to ini­ti­ate a new chapter in ocean-floor re­search by quan­ti­fy­ing ex­change pro­cesses at this sig­ni­fic­ant bound­ary layer and their roles in the Earth sys­tem. This will be achieved by: (1) deciphering processes that control the transport of biogenic particles to the ocean floor and their transformation under changing climate conditions (2) balancing the transfer of carbon and other elements between the ocean floor and seawater; (3) understanding how ocean-floor ecosystems react to environmental changes, and (4) developing scenarios for a ›warmer-than-present world‹ from ocean-floor climate archives with the help of climate models. These sci­entific tasks de­mand the use of novel tech­no­lo­gies for ocean-floor ob­ser­va­tion and sampling, highly sens­it­ive ana­lyt­ical meth­ods, and an ex­pan­ded ap­plic­a­tion of nu­mer­ical mod­els. Be­cause of their sci­entific and tech­no­lo­gical com­plex­ity, the stated goals can only be achieved through in­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary re­search.


Belem statement areas
Climate Variability
Ocean Observation
Ocean Resources
EXC 2077
Time frame
2019 - n/a


Michael Schulz
MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen