CIT Santa Cruz

CIT Santa Cruz



The main objective of the Santa Cruz CIT is the development of a settlement programme for researchers, fellows, technicians, equipment and infrastructure. With the creation of this Centre, there will be nine in all the country. They are all located in those places where there are not CONICET institutions available. The CITs deal with problems that come from subjects developed by people from the place (universities, the provincial and municipal government, etc.). The CIT Santa Cruz (CONICET – UNPA – UTN FRSC) started its activities in 2016 and has since participated in all the annual calls for doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships of CONICET. In the results reported in mid-January last Year, CIT SC obtained 100% of the nominations submitted. In this sense, the eight approved applications translate into an increase in the amount that was always achieved, with a maximum of six. It is worth mentioning that CIT SC currently has 23 fellows, and 3 others have already completed the training process. Doctoral scholarships are for 5 years, and postdoctoral scholarships are for 2.


Belem statement areas
Climate Variability
Emerging Pollutants
Ocean Observation
Ocean Resources
Ocean Technology
Time frame
2016 - Ongoing


Hugo Sirkin
Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia Santa Cruz