Ciencia Hoy disseminate the current state and the progress made in the scientific and technological production of Argentina. Has dedicated numbers to the ocean sciences. Ciencia Hoy is a non-profit Civil Association that pursues the following objectives: (1) Disseminate the current state and the progress made in the scientific and technological production of Argentina; (2) Promote scientific exchange with the rest of Latin America through the dissemination of the scientific and technological work of the region; (3) Stimulate public interest with science and culture; (4) Edit a periodical that disseminates the work of Argentine scientists and technologists, and throughout Latin America, in the field of formal, natural, social sciences and their technological applications; (5) Promote the creation of an academic teleinformatics network for researchers’ use; (6) Promote, participate and hold conferences, meetings and meetings to disseminate rioplatense scientific and technological work; (7) Collaborate and exchange information with similar partnerships in other countries.