Ciencia Hoy (Science communication magazine)

Ciencia Hoy (Science communication magazine)



Ciencia Hoy disseminate the current state and the progress made in the scientific and technological production of Argentina. Has dedicated numbers to the ocean sciences. Ciencia Hoy is a non-profit Civil Association that pursues the following objectives: (1) Disseminate the current state and the progress made in the scientific and technological production of Argentina; (2) Promote scientific exchange with the rest of Latin America through the dissemination of the scientific and technological work of the region; (3) Stimulate public interest with science and culture; (4) Edit a periodical that disseminates the work of Argentine scientists and technologists, and throughout Latin America, in the field of formal, natural, social sciences and their technological applications; (5) Promote the creation of an academic teleinformatics network for researchers’ use; (6) Promote, participate and hold conferences, meetings and meetings to disseminate rioplatense scientific and technological work; (7) Collaborate and exchange information with similar partnerships in other countries.


Belem statement areas
Climate Variability
Emerging Pollutants
Ocean Observation
Ocean Resources
Ocean Technology
Polar Research
Time frame
1988 - Ongoing


Ciencia Hoy