Centre for Ocean Ventures & Entrepreneurship

Centre for Ocean Ventures & Entrepreneurship



The Centre for Ocean Ventures & Entrepreneurship (COVE) is a collaborative facility for applied innovation in the ocean sector. Mission to propel the ocean economy by providing high quality marine infrastructure and a collaborative space in which a community of ocean enterprises can start, grow and prosper. Primary goal is to support ocean technology commercialization. This hub is home to local and global ocean technology businesses. Located in what was once the Canadian Coast Guard facility on Halifax Harbour, this hub is home to local and global ocean technology businesses, post-secondary institutions, researchers, and marine-based and service businesses that support the ocean sector. The COVE site features extensive marine facilities with two large, deep-water piers, office space, an incubator and space for shops and labs. COVE is a community that brings together the best and the brightest to push ocean tech advances to market. It’s a space that fosters innovation and cross-pollinates expertise, ideas, and resources among members, COVE is where business growth, opportunity, and technical advances happen. Members have access to shared equipment and infrastructure, and the resources of the management team to nurture partnerships in forming technology leadership projects. As well, with initiatives and a site designed to encourage formal and informal networking, COVE members can connect with the people, companies, and opportunities essential to grow their business. The advances that are developed through COVE will have practical, commercial and revolutionary applications in ocean tech. There is a global need for ocean tech solutions. The impact of what happens at COVE has local, provincial, national and international significance.


Belem statement areas
Ocean Resources
Time frame
n/a - Ongoing


Melanie Nadeau
Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship