Casas da Ciência are spaces dedicated to the promotion of scientific culture and dissemination of science to society and schools in particular. These interactive science centers are promoted by the University of Cape Verde and the Ministry of Education, in partnership with UNESCO, unesco national commission, Aveiro’s Centro Ciência Viva factory and the University of Aveiro. The scientific contents are presented in five distinct spaces: Espaço Experimenta; DÓING – Enlarged Workshop; the Science Laboratory; the Mathematics Laboratory; and the Temporary Exhibitions. Casa da Ciência da Praia delivered a Marine Biology Course for children aged 10-16. The course that included both theoretical and practical parts, lasted 25 hours and was part of the Summer programme of University of Cape Verde, UniCV KIDS. During the course children are introduced to various ocean thematics, take part in field and laboratory experiments, explore marine biodiversity in tide pools, understand the adaptations of organisms to intertidal conditions, learn how to reduce plastic pollution but also how to respond to whale strandings.