The Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre) is an international collaborative framework to address global challenges and local priorities in the Atlantic Ocean. It promotes an integrative approach to space, climate, ocean and energy in the Atlantic, supported by emerging technological innovations and advances in data science, and through South-North and North-South cooperation. The AIR Centre is the result of a science diplomacy processes staretd in 2016 under the Atlantic Interactions intergovernmental initiative with the aim to unleash the potential of the Atlantic Ocean for society based on knowledge-driven solutions addressing national priorities and global challenges that require interdisciplinary research and innovation of complex Earth systems through international cooperation. The AIR centre mission is to act as a framework for scientific and technology collaboration and development of ideas, policies, research programmes and projects within the context of the Atlantic Ocean, aligning national priorities and global challenges through joint actions. Our activities are oriented to attract the youngsters and to foster local skilled job creation through “user-driven and open innovation platforms” that test new solutions and facilitate social appropriation of scientific knowledge. Collaborative action research should be transdisciplinary and involve start-ups, SMEs, large firms, engineering centres, research institutions and potential users throughout Atlantic regions. Different types of activities are currently being implemented: Missions, Projects, Stakeholders Dialogue through different types of events and a Scholarchip Programme.