As pillar of MARPOL, the EU Port Reception Facility (PRF) directive obliges ports providing adequate PRF, ships delivering waste in the port and recommends a cost recovery system (CRS) as an incentive. IMO has also developed a PRF database, a user service. The IMO Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC) entered into force on September 2017. Despite regulations, discharge at sea is still practiced. Port users complain about the variability, cost and lack of adequate port discharge facilities. BLUEPORTS aims to provide a practical support to the ESSF/EMSA, using the Atlantic Area as a physical platform and its maritime community as a resource to design, prototype, test and demonstrate the “ideal” PRF and services for oiled and ballast water (as first concern). The overall goal is to create awareness and motivation within the maritime community to stop discharge at sea by designing in consensus the “Blue Port Services” for 2020 and beyond. The project will create a cooperation framework and network for all parties by addressing users, providers and policy makers. The project emphasizes innovation: in techniques, to reduce operation time, in financial instruments to facilitate investment and adjust service costs and in user friendly booking services. Some of the main outputs are: (A) A pilot innovative oil treatment process, validated by the consortium, qualification bodies and users; (B) The InvaSave mobile BW PRF demonstrated in 5 ports, validated by the ports/ SP, users, public authorities; (C) A pilot digital “location, booking and reporting” application, (validated by the ports/SP, users, with IMO).