Transforming Climate Action

Transforming Climate Action

The ocean protects us against the worst impacts of climate change. But emerging science shows its ability to absorb carbon and regulate temperatures is changing in ways we may not understand. It’s a risk we can no longer afford to take.

Led by Dalhousie University, in partnership with Université du Québec à Rimouski, Université Laval, and Memorial University, the Transforming Climate Action (TCA) research program has three interconnected research themes that focus on the North Atlantic and its essential role in the ocean carbon cycle. Under these themes, TCA will co-produce transdisciplinary and socially relevant research with Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, governments, and international partners to help inform climate action for Canada.

This research is undertaken thanks in part to funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund.

For more information, please visit: Transforming Climate Action Research Program | Ocean Frontier Institute (ofi.ca) 

Project details

Ocean Frontier Institute (OFI), led by Dalhousie University
January 1, 2023
No end date
Cordis page not available