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A roadmap now aligns and connects EU and Ocean Decade programmes and mobilises partners within and outside the EU Today, at the UN Ocean Decade conference held in Barcelona, DG...
The 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference takes place on 10-12 April in Barcelona, Spain, as the highlight of the Ocean Decade Week (8-12 April), and as cornerstone event within this...
Through a large-scale basin effort, representatives of 16 organisations from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Cabo Verde, France, Germany, Ireland, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, and Spain have joined forces to establish...
22 November 2023, Cape Town, South Africa The Partners and Supporters of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA), recognizing the urgency to act and the need to focus...
COST Action call open!

COST Action call open!

MAF World is a COST Action that aims to develop an integrative vision that will fuel research and steer future policies on crosscutting sustainability-driven issues related to the fragmented governance of benthic ecosystems in coastal and open ocean waters: Action CA20102 – COST

The first call (2022-2023) for Short Term Scientific Missions for the COST Action MAFworld (CA20102) is open now!

If you are interested in applying, you can find more information here:
