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AtlantOS Ocean Hour

AtlantOS Ocean Hour

The rise of low-cost, efficient, and creative ways of collecting ocean observation has catalyzed a vibrant, user-led community that focuses on citizen science and the development of “do-it-yourself” (DIY) projects. These oceanographic tools bolster the goals of the United Nation’s Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development to encourage a more inclusive and participative approach to ocean science, to better predict ocean phenomena, and to democratize access to the ocean. In this event, the speakers will highlight a few projects they have been involved with, from using surf boards for water collection, sailboats for wind predicting, canoes for HAB monitoring.

The Ocean Hour will provide an opportunity for the community to learn and engage in discussion about citizen science and the use of low cost and low tech ocean observations. The speakers will share projects they are involved in, and address some of the current challenges expected in the coming years.

