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EUMarineRobots TNA Second call now open!

EUMarineRobots TNA Second call now open!

EUMarine Robosts aim is to build a network of marine robotics RIs to help ensure that the EU remains a world-leader in ocean science and engineering, with a thriving maritime industry. The proposed RI will enable, expand and reduce risk of access to next-generation marine robotics technologies and operational expertise and will build confidence in end-users to accelerate the adoption of next-generation marine robotics for the marine sector as a whole.

To do so the project will have a series of Trans-National Access activities (TNA) with the focus of:

  • providing a coherent framework for stakeholders to gain access to both the “standard” and the “developing” capacities of the RI providing access to appropriate levels of training and best-practices, to build sustainability by educating the next generation of practitioners
  • providing access to experimental activities proposed by external partners or use-cases that are chosen to provide a broad cross-section of experimental opportunities for end-users

Through all this EUMarineRobots is making available a huge range of marine robotic and support infrastructure with a capital value of well in-excess of €500M and its associated support personnel.


Call Open May 14, 2018
Call Deadline  July 14, 2019
Notification of Results October, 2019
Access November 2019 – December 2020

Who can apply?

school students, undergraduate, graduate, PhD, Master
Industrial researchers
and Academics including postdoctoral
Micro and SMEs, Mid-Caps, Large industries.

Proposals for access to any of the offered infrastructures need to fulfill the following criteria:

  • The Principal Investigator (PI) and the majority of the users must work in an institution established in a member state of the European Union or state associated to H2020 Programme. Other countries can apply but their allocated uses will be limited to a maximum of 20% of all allocated uses.
  • The PI of a project and the majority of the users must work in a country other than the country where the infrastructure is based. They cannot apply for use time on a research infrastructure from their own country.
  • Proposals must involve at least one partner. A larger partnership will be highly appreciated, for the embarked scientific party as for data treatment and exploitation but the funding will be awarded per access, independently of the number of participating institutions.
  • Collaborative applications from teams and institutions with limited or no access to marine infrastructure are strongly encouraged.
  • Applicants must be aware that, if granted, they must complete the training associated to the usage of the infrastructure they have applied for.
  • Only user groups that are entitled to and willing to disseminate the knowledge they will generate under the project are eligible to benefit from access free of charge to the infrastructures under the EUMR flag.

How to apply?

Proposal submission involves five steps, as outlined below. Proposals have to be submitted online via the project website:

  • Step 1: Download your applicant package. There, you will find: the Proposal Application Template that will need to be completed, the Guidelines for Applicants and the Report template (to be filled out after the completion of the use, if awarded).
  • Step 2: Prepare your proposal offline based on the provided template.
  • Step 3: Complete the online application form and upload the proposal application template.

The document must:

  • be an unprotected pdf file of maximum 8 pages
  • not exceed 4MB in size
  • follow the given format
  • Step 4: The evaluation of proposals will be based upon the information provided in the completed application form, which should be correct, sufficient and adequate for this purpose, taking into consideration the evaluation criteria outlined below.


For full details including Selection Process and Evaluation Criteria please go to 

